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Why is Field Utilization missing for some fields?

There are multiple reasons why a field may not have data in the Field Utilization dashboard. Let's start by looking at the icon next to the blank field for more information. 

🔒 Lock symbol: this indicates that a field is encrypted and therefore Hubbl Diagnostics is not able to access the field with an aggregate query to calculate field utilization.

đŸš« Circle Backslash symbol: this indicates that Hubbl Diagnostics was not able to calculate field utilization for one of the following reasons:

  1. Unsupported Field Type: The field has a field type that doesn't support being queried in aggregate (e.g., Checkboxes, Long Text, Rich Text, Multi-select Picklists, Custom Metadata, etc.)
  2. Missing Access: The user who authorized the scan does not have access to the field or parent object.‍
  3. System Timeout: Salesforce timed out while attempting the aggregate query to capture field utilization (after multiple retry attempts).

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