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Import Recommendations into Jira

Actioning on your Insights
Last Updated
May 8, 2024

Prepping Your Hubbl File

  1. Navigate to an advanced scan and click the Export to CSV button
  2. Unzip your export and open the issues CSV in your favorite spreadsheet tool (Excel or Google Sheets) 
  3. Remove the following columnssome text
    • id
    • scanScoreId
    • itemId
    • value 
    • recommendationId
    • isBasic
    • wellArchitectedTopicId
    • wellArchitectedTopicLevel4URL
    • createdAt
    • updatedAt
  4. You can optionally remove the following columns if you do not want to include the Well Architected topics, metadata categories, or namespace in your Jira stories: some text
    • wellArchitectedCategoryLevel1
    • wellArchitectedCategoryLevel2
    • wellArchitectedCategoryLevel3
    • wellArchitectedCategoryLevel4
    • recommendationCategory
    • namespace
  5. Export the updated sheet as a csv

Creating Jira Stories 

  1. Log in to Jira as a user with the Jira administrators global permission
  2. Navigate to the Gear Icon (top right) > System > Import & export > External System import
  3. Select CSV to open the CSV file import page
  4. Select your recently created CSV document
  5. Leave the Use an existing configuration file checkbox unchecked and select Next 
  6. Choose the project you would like to import into, and select Next (if you do want to import to multiple then follow the directions here
  7. In the Setup field mappings page, map the fields in the CSV file to the issue fields in the selected project. In the Jira field column, select the Jira field that you want to map to the field from the CSV file. We recommend the following but every Jira project is unique: some text
    • apiName → Description
    • Label → Description
    • recommendationContent → Description
    • recommendationEffort → Story Points (or related Effort field) some text
      • For this field select Map field value
    • recommendationPriority → some text
      • For this field select Map field value
    • recommendationTitle → Description
    • relatedObject → Description
    • rule → Summary
  8. On the Setup value mappings page, specify the Jira field values for each CSV file field value that has been detected by the CSV file import wizard. If you do not want to change any values then leave this as is. some text
    • recommendationEffortsome text
      • 1 is high and 3 is low, map to your relevant values
    • recommendationPrioritysome text
      • 1 is high and 3 is low, map to your relevant values
  9. Select the Begin Import button when you are ready to begin importing your Hubbl Recommendation data into Jira. You will be able to see your progress and receive a success message once it completes. 

🚀 Hubbl Diagnostics Tip: for additional details on importing Jira issues check our their documentation.